Selling and buying at Solana


Making the decision to move out of your family home and into an environment that is more in line with your downsizing dreams, should be something you’re really excited about. There are many benefits to moving into a lifestyle resort amongst a community of like minded people, all looking to wind down their busy schedules and home maintenance that once ruled their life.

When it comes to selling your current house you will most likely have a timeline that is out of your control, unless you're lucky enough to already have a buyer lined up. Most of us have to wait to sell our current house to make the move. This can seem like a stressful and emotional time, but with a little help and support from the Solana team and a well appointed real estate agent, selling should become a well planned scenario with a positive outcome.

At Solana, it's possible to buy your new island home subject to the sale of your existing home. This enables you to secure your dream home while you're waiting for your current home to sell. The Solana team has plenty of experience with these scenarios and contract conditions and can work with you to create a sale contract that best suits your situation and timeline.

Once you sign a contract with Solana that is subject to sale of your existing home, Guy Smith and our team will work with you to select the best agent for your home, the type of agent agreement you should sign and which is going to work best for your property and situation. The aim is for you to start enjoying your Solana lifestyle as soon as possible.

We highly recommend organising a time to chat with the team even if you're in the early stages of planning your home, so we can help you plan towards your island lifestyle - even if it is just a short phone call.

Get ready to upgrade your living to Solana!