Spring gardening tips


Spring has sprung, and with it comes the warm, sunny Bribie Island days that are per-fect for revitalising your gardens. The best way to get started is by doing the proper prep work now, to ensure your plants are happy and healthy all summer long.

Clean Up Spring is also a great time to repot or top-up any potted plants and garden beds, both outside on the patio, and inside the house, rejuvenating them for the summer months ahead. Shape and prune your flowering plants and remember to give your evergreens lots of water at this time of year to prevent them from turning brown.

Planting Of course, spring is when we want to get the bulk of our planting done. This is the time to plant your perennials, giving them enough time to establish themselves before summer. Adding some colour, like marigolds or petunias, to your garden can help at-tract the pollinators and insects that will help your garden grow. For a fragrant garden, lilacs, jasmine, and magnolias all bloom in the spring and bring the perfumed scents of the season with them. Tomatoes, beets, chilli, lettuce, carrots, and beans can all be started in spring and thrive in pots or small garden beds.

Maintenance Once the work is done, all that’s left is to maintain your plants to keep them healthy and growing all summer long. Choose an organic water-soluble plant food for your pot plants to avoid burning your plants by applying too much chemical fertiliser. Start with fertilising container plants twice a week, house plants once a week, garden beds every two or three weeks and landscaped plants once a month. Throughout summer it is also a good idea to rotate your pot plants around to make the most of the summer sun and prevent plants from over heating and drying out.

Gardening is a relaxing and rewarding activity, whether you're adding pots to your al-fresco or home interior or spending your time in the Solana Livewell Centre vegetable garden. Either way, what a great way to enjoy your Solana home. Plus, the Solana team and community are always there to make sure your garden stays looking fabulous if you’re ever away from home!