Freshen up Your Home with Indoor Plants

While moving to a Solana Lifestyle Resort means less yard maintenance, it does not mean you have to give up your love of plants and gardening.

Indoor plants are a great option to transform your home into a more relaxing and inviting space. Not only do they look beautiful and add life to any room of the house, but they can also improve air quality, keep bugs away and provide flavour for your cooking. So, if you're ready to try adding some greenery into your home but aren't sure where to start, here's everything you need to know about choosing the right plants!

When choosing an indoor plant, selecting one that will thrive in your environment and doesn't need a lot of light or water is best. Here are some great options that are easy to care for, work well in any room of the house and help to purify the air:

1.           Devil’s Ivy or pothos (Epipremnum aureum)

2.           Aloe Vera

3.           Dwarf Date Palm (Phoenix roebelenii)

4.           Peace Lily (Spathiphyllum)

5.           English ivy (Hedera helix)

6.           Areca palms (Chrysalidocarpus lutescens)

7.           Boston Fern (Nephrolepis exaltata v. Bostoniesis)

8.           Philodendron

9.           Spider Plant (Chlorophytum comosum)

10.        Bamboo Palm (Chamaedorea seifrizii)

Create an indoor herb garden

Herbs are a great way to add flavour and colour to your kitchen. They're also easy to grow, so if you have limited space, don't worry! You can enjoy fresh herbs year-round with just a few tips and tricks.

 Position your herbs in a place with plenty of natural light. The morning sun is best. Most herbs prefer well drained soil and regular waterings but check their specific needs before planting. Don't forget to rotate your plants to ensure even sunlight or take them out into the full sunlight regularly.

How to display your plants

Once you've chosen the perfect plants, it's time to think about how you'll display them. There are several options when deciding where to put your plant collection.

  • Pot clusters: Grouping pots of various sizes and shapes together will create visual interest in any room. When hanging them on a wall, use a single colour or mix it up by varying the shades of green, blue or white.

  • Built-in shelves: Using built-in shelves for vertical storage can be a great way to add some greenery without taking up floor space. 

  • Bookshelf: If you have one of these already in your home, adding some plants here is an easy way to add greenery while showing off your favourite books simultaneously! 

  • Hanging pots: These are great because they're easy to install and can be placed anywhere in your home. Most indoor plants thrive in hanging pots, but climbing plants like Devils Ivys look fantastic when the green leaves cascade down.

Create a watering schedule or invest in self watering devices

You want to make things easier for yourself, so creating a watering schedule or investing in some self-watering spikes or bulbs are great options. Self-watering gadgets come in various shapes, sizes and finishes, including the more decorative hand-blown glass birds to simpler terracotta spikes. They work by automatically delivering water from their reservoirs into the pot, which means no more worrying about whether your houseplants have gotten enough moisture today!

Indoor plant maintenance

Fertilising your plants at least once a month will help them thrive all year round. Also, giving them a good soak in the shower will help prevent dust and dirt from building up on the leaves and keep them looking clean and healthy.


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